my friend made a podcast series


We’ve been actually kind of talking about this since late June or early July, how I invited him to my YouTube channel but he declined the offer which is okay, but then we came up with the idea of trying out the new and predicted to be the new favourite platform later in the future. Podcast. We were roommates for some last couple of weeks when we stayed in Yogya four months following a language training. We had midnight talks about life and everything that we found relatable. And then yesterday, not really yesterday, but you know what I mean, two or three days ago he shared link to his podcast series, I listened to it after teaching. It is raw, exclusive and private. I’m inspired to make one.

There are clearly some big differences between presenting a content through this type of platform that is more famous to be used listening to our favourite musician singing every track from their albums or newest singles compared to YouTube that is basically visual and audio based. The speaker is invisible in podcast, but somehow making some people feel more comfortable that way. And I personally might prefer this audio only medium.

Just like how I like blogging because I don’t present myself but more like sending the representation of myself in written forms that reflecting my thoughts. But I don’t think it’ll be happening soon. At the very least, there are some hopes that I might releasing my series in the upcoming unknown future, within a month or two. Or I don’t know when. I’m currently busy dealing with something else that I do not really need to tell what it is really about anyway.
