speaking II : myth assignment
1. A
description of a mythology could be from your original ethnics or other tribe
2. Present
the mythology and then give your analytical thinking of the myths
Is there any Positive values on it?
Is there any Negative values on it?
Present your evaluation background of the
3. Start
the presentation next week-week 8/9
- We cannot sit down in the middle of the
door-we will acquire bad luck
Analytical thinking :
Positive : The door should not be the place to sit
because people will walk through
Background : Philosophy of the door
as the gate that connected one way to the other.
So that is why by blocking up the
door, we will also prevent things that
naturally will happen, so the result
is bad luck.
- Waking up late, we will acquire bad luck
Positive : It is not good to wake up late
Background : Sometimes to build up
such good habit, we require myth, such as our
fortune will be eaten by chicken
that usually wake up earlier in the
every morning.
- Bite the nail of hands, we will acquire
bad luck
Positive : Nail of hands are full of bacteria
Background : Our hands contacted
with every particular object during our activity since
until we go to sleep. That is why,
bite the nail is very risky of getting the
dirt come into our mouth and body.
- Perform grateful pray celebration when
get a new home to get away from devil
Positive : We need to grateful for everything we
Background : The celebration is
just another kind of thank you. We should say thank
every time in every condition and no
exception, the home is one of the
great gift, and as human with God,
we perform thanks to Him.
- Pregnant woman need to bring along sharp
tool whenever they are, like scissor or nail cutter to get away from devil
Positive : To feel save
Background : Pregnancy time is very
critical and sacred time. So, we need to protect the
Pregnant woman as good as possible.
The sharp tools represent the way of
protection, like in war we need
blade and gun. This sort of myth is also
good to make ourselves
feel save from every danger.
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