we dont talk about spring break no no no

I am procrastinating by writing a personal journal instead of doing my homework of annotating scientific journal articles. My goal was to read ten of them, I did one and in the middle of the second one, I am not proud at all. I am writing this (or should I say typing) from the campus library, third floor, one-person only room, with a pretty good view looking at the window at the left side of me. And for your information, this week is something we call spring break, one week off, basically week 9. So, it is already half of the semester. And I am now catching up to work on at least a little amount of my big assignment due at the end of the semester. Why am I in the library even though it is spring break, you ask? (This is me talking to another me or to my imaginary audience of this lonely blog I call journal instead of a diary). I guess I need some me time because I have surrendered my privacy by having a roommate that enables me to pay the rent a little lower, I used to pay 700 but now it is only 500, it is worth it, right?

So, here’s the thing. I moved not to the other house, but only to the other room, and now I have had a roommate since February 28 (or March 1?). Okay, the point is I am not alone in my own room now since March. My roommate is quite nice, he doesn’t talk much, though, which is good. We talk. Sometimes. It’s just maybe not that much. We somehow need a third person to talk a lot. I don’t mind doing my things while he’s around, like working on assignments or watching YouTube videos or anything. However, it is indeed quite different. But I have learned that maybe and hopefully this is for the best. We talked about the importance of surveillance in one of my classes the other day. This concept is basically what many people have done but not so many have realized. For instance, some people prefer to go to the Starbucks drink coffee while working because 1) they like being watched doing something productive and 2) they have other people, a bunch of strangers doing the same thing which at the end of the day creating some sort of unintentional community working on each other’s productivity. So, my idea is kind of implementing that so-called concept and experimenting with the very concept to non-other than myself. How I wish I can write anything that runs through my mind just like what I am doing now when I write my assignment, but I guess it will never happen. I mean, it is not apple to apple. It is totally something else, right? 
