Style and Theme in James Joyce’s Short Story The Dead by group 7 (dwi, runi, isna) *daaaannn kata pak dosen semua isi paper ini salah dan harus revisi secara keseluruhan which is menyakitkan which is bikin sedih*
I THE INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Background
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …1
1.2 Statements
of problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...2
1.3 Scope
of the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
1.4 Objectives
of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.5 Significances
of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
II THE ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Style ………………………………………………………………………………………..3
2.1.1 Stream of Consciousness (James
Joyce unique narrative perspective) ……………3-4
2.1.2 Mimetic Style
2.1.3 Soliloquy
2.1.4 Joycean Naturalism ………………………………………………………………..6-7
Theme ……………………………………………………………………………………...7
2.2.1 Epipheny
2.2.2 The Death
2.2.3 Dublin in 20th century
we live the one and only life we have we will encounter various things in life
that we have never expected before but everything keep come and left even
without any seeking for permission until we finally reach the ultimate point
where we may start to giving the judge over something in particular whether a
place, a phenomenon, or a someone we have shared the experience in life with or
might be shared a single conversation with.
Death as we always know, it is the condition when we are being forced to leave
the world we live now in order to go to the other world that has been waiting
for us. The characteristic of the death might be found when our heart stops
beating and other vital organs stop working and the body stops moving. These
are the basic concept of the death we all agree with.
this short story, the author proposes another kind of death. The author
abandoned the principle of how we died, which is physically, with the author’s
perspective; spiritually dead or in other words dead on the inside. The author
is arguing that we are not necessarily need to actually died to feel how the
feelings of being dead. There is another way of dead that we may not recognize
but it is actually contains the same feelings of dead. This might be coming
from a single talk.
order to creating the atmosphere according to the theme, the author need
specific particular style in writing to help implemented and better transfer of
the contain. Those styles that the author uses might be one of the key to reach
the goal in the creation of this story. The message will be successfully
delivered to the reader by the writing style.
on the elaboration above, the researcher is interested in analyzing the style
of the author on how to construct the story and what theme that the author is
trying to deliver through this short story The Dead by James Joyce. How the
author description on the way the characters think and talk and move could actually
represents the whole short story The Dead.
on the research background above, the researchers formulate two problems as
1. How
is the style the author using in the short story “The Dead”
2. How
is the theme that dominated in the short story “The Dead”
1.3 THE
problem that being discussed in the James Joyce’s The Dead is focusing on how
the style that the author using in this short story and how the theme of the
story is really about.
1.4 Objectives
of the Study
the statement of problems, this research has some purpose. The objectives of
the research are mention as follow:
To find out the author’s writing style
in short story The Dead by James Joyce
1.5 Significances
of the study
researchers hope this research can be useful for readers which are divided into
theoretically and practically significance.
Theoretical Significance
1. This
research can help and provide an overview of short story The Dead analysis.
2. This
research can provide input concept of how to analyze the short story.
Practical Significance
1. The
researchers want to give analysis reference to readers about short story The
2. This research can be useful for English Literature
In literature, writing style is the
manner of expressing thought in language characteristic of an individual,
period, school, or nation. Beyond
the essential elements of spelling, grammar, and punctuation,
writing style is the choice of words, sentence structure, and paragraph structure, used to
convey the meaning effectively. (
Stream of Consciousness (James Joyce unique narrative perspective)
Stream of consciousness is a narrative device that attempts to
give the written equivalent of the character's thought processes,
either in a loose interior monologue, or in connection to his or her actions. Stream-of-consciousness writing
is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is
characterized by associative leaps in thought and lack of some or all
punctuation. Stream of
consciousness and interior monologue are distinguished from dramatic monologue and soliloquy, where the
speaker is addressing an audience or a third person, which are chiefly used in poetry or drama. In stream of consciousness the speaker's thought processes
are more often depicted as overheard in the mind (or addressed to oneself); it
is primarily a fictional device. (
of consciousness is found in the story through Gabriel. The way Gabriel thinks
of himself within the condition which makes him about to do something. He is
considering many things before actually put them into actions, so that later he
does not need to regret anything at all.
He then took from his waistcoat pocket a little paper and glanced at the
headings he had made for his speech. He was undecided about the lines from
Robert Browning, for he feared they would be above the heads of his hearers.
Some quotation that they would recognise from Shakespeare or from the Melodies
would be better. The indelicate clacking of the men's heels and the shuffling
of their soles reminded him that their grade of culture differed from his. He
would only make himself ridiculous by quoting poetry to them which they could
not understand. They would think that he was airing his superior education.“
quotation above is one of the example from stream of consciousness which as we
may read it closely that it is clear that he is trying so hard to come out with
the perfect solution for speech he is about to deliver in the middle of other
guest in the annual dancing party. He is literally trying to not miss any
aspect to be the consideration, start from what literary quotation he is going
to choose and how the act of indelicate clacking of soles shuffling may turn
out to be the very crucial factor for him to decide that he is superior in
terms of education than any other guest. This makes him think so hard to
adjusted his speech so that it will not sounds weird, at least it is not going
to make them confuse about he is talking about.
Mimetic Style
is written in mimetic style : this style mimics thoughts by using the
character’s language, rather than reporting them through the language of an
objective narrator. Joyce was one of the first to use this mimetic style of
narration. (
LILY, the caretaker's daughter, was literally run off her feet. Hardly had she
brought one gentleman into the little pantry behind the office on the ground
floor and helped him off with his overcoat than the wheezy hall-door bell
clanged again and she had to scamper along the bare hallway to let in another
guest. It was well for her she had not to attend to the ladies also. But Miss
Kate and Miss Julia had thought of that and had converted the bathroom upstairs
into a ladies' dressing-room. Miss Kate and Miss Julia were there, gossiping
and laughing and fussing, walking after each other to the head of the stairs,
peering down over the banisters and calling down to Lily to ask her who had
come. ”
the quotation, we as the readers might be tricked to think that this story is
going to be delivered by the point of view of lily but the truth it is not. The
story is actually according to Gabriel’s perspective, Miss Kate and Miss
Julia’s favorite nephew, which come later and taking control of how the rest of
story to be proceeded. This unique changing point of view is what many literary
analysis believed to be James Joyce style that differ him from others.
A soliloquy (from
Latin solo "to
oneself" + loquor "I talk") is a device often used
in drama when a character speaks to himself or herself, relating thoughts and
feelings, thereby also sharing them with the audience, giving off the illusion
of being a series of unspoken reflections. If other characters are
present, they keep silent and/or
are disregarded by the speaker. The term soliloquy is distinct from a monologue or an aside: a monologue
is a speech where one character addresses other characters; an aside is a
(usually short) comment by one character towards the audience, though during
the play it may seem like the character is addressing him or herself. (wikipedia)
innocent Amy! I have found out that you write for The Daily Express. Now,
aren't you ashamed of yourself?"
should I be ashamed of myself?" asked Gabriel, blinking his eyes and
trying to smile.
I'm ashamed of you," said Miss Ivors frankly. "To say you'd write for
a paper like that. I didn't think you were a West Briton."
of direct conversation, not example of soliloquy)
after the conversation between Gabriel and Miss Ivors, Gabriel is doing
soliloquy about how to respond to such irritated words Miss Ivors has said to
him. The body movement of Gabriel by the author description of him show us that
he is about to explode by anger. But what he did later is shockingly
unexpected, he chooses to stay calm over it and it is perfectly pictured by the
quotation below, which categorized as soliloquy of character Gabriel.
A look of perplexity appeared on Gabriel's face. It was true that he wrote a
literary column every Wednesday in The Daily Express, for which he was paid
fifteen shillings. But that did not make him a West Briton surely. Nearly every
day when his teaching in the college was ended he used to wander down the quays
to the second-hand booksellers, to Hickey's on Bachelor's Walk, to Web's or
Massey's on Aston's Quay, or to O'Clohissey's in the by-street. He did not know
how to meet her charge. He wanted to say that literature was above politics.
But they were friends of many years' standing and their careers had been
parallel, first at the University and then as teachers: he could not risk a
grandiose phrase with her. He continued blinking his eyes and trying to smile
and murmured lamely that he saw nothing political in writing reviews of books.
is different from stream of consciousness but also a little bit the same so it
is hard to differ one from the other but we may actually see the difference by
looking at each characteristic. In soliloquy, the speaker addresses the third
person which stream of consciousness not. Gabriel almost burst in fierce he
prefer not to after considering many things. He wanted to say that literature
was above politics but he canceling the almost uttered words just in time.
Joycean Naturalism
used to boast that if Dublin were destroyed, it would be reconstructed from his
books (Richard Ellman on his book The Limits of Joyce Naturalist)
is not only naturalist. He is way too interested in the way that the individual
mid works, and the way that emotions and all that other fuzzy stuff influence
our decisions to just focus on the facts. What would a story like “Araby” or
“The Dead be like if we did not really get inside the heads of the characters
and hear in great detail about feelings of self-hatred? What if the story just
told us, “He did not buy anything at the bazaar, and then walked home alone in
the darkness”? it would still be a powerful image, but it is nothing compared
to Joyce’s revelation that the boy despised himself as a creature “driven and
derided by vanity.” Joyce’s naturalism: personal, powerful and super
descriptive. (
Gabriel hardly heard what she said. Now that supper was coming near he began to
think again about his speech and about the quotation. When he saw Freddy Malins
coming across the room to visit his mother Gabriel left the chair free for him
and retired into the embrasure of the window. The room had already cleared and
from the back room came the clatter of plates and knives. Those who still
remained in the drawing-room seemed tired of dancing and were conversing
quietly in little groups. Gabriel's warm trembling fingers tapped the cold pane
of the window. How cool it must be outside! How pleasant it would be to walk
out alone, first along by the river and then through the park! The snow would
be lying on the branches of the trees and forming a bright cap on the top of
the Wellington Monument. How much more pleasant it would be there than at the
supper-table! “
naturalism is pictured by persuade the readers to think about how frustrated it
is for Gabriel for his upcoming speech on the supper table some minutes later.
Gabriel even making irrational comparison of how more pleasant it is to walk
alone in the middle of the snow near the Wellington Monument that the supper
table and delivering speech that he is still worrying and hesitating about what
he should fill the content with and literature he would quote later.
Theme is defined as a main idea or an underlying meaning of a
literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly. writer presents themes
in a literary work through several ways. A writer may express a theme through
the feelings of his main character about the subject he has chosen to write about.
Similarly, themes are presented through thoughts and conversations of different
characters. Moreover, the experiences of the main character in the course of a
literary work give us an idea about its theme. Finally, the actions and events
taking place in a narrative are consequential in determining its theme.
in Dubliners experience both great and small revelations in their everyday
lives, moments in Dubliners himself referred to as “epiphenies” a word with
connotations of religious revelation. These epiphenies do not bring new
experiences and the possibility or reform, as one might expect such moments to.
Rather, these epiphenies allow character to better understanding their
particular circumstances, usually rife with sadness and routine, which they
then return to with resignation and frustration (
According to the explanation above, we found
epiphany in The Dead. It was when Gabriel’s wife, Gretta,
making her confession to Gabriel that she has romance memories in her life. At
the dance, Gretta is listened a Irish song who makes she’s falling down in her
mind that she is thinkking about her old love Michael Furey. Gretta told
Gabriel how her young lover died for her, that’s why which makes up Gabriel in the moment of revelation, he feels awareness of the absence of the love that has characterized his life,
suddenly perceived as a living dead, while snow falls
over the city is symbolize the loneliness and the human inability to communicate.
on his elbow, looked for a few moments unresentfully on her tangled hair and
halfopen mouth, listening to her deep-drawn breath. So she had had that romance
in her life: a man had died for her sake. It hardly pained him now to think how
poor a part he, her husband, had played in her life. He and she had never lived
together as man and wife. His curious eyes rested long upon her face and on her
hair: and, as he thought of what she must have been then, in that time of her
first girlish beauty, a strange, friendly pity for her entered his soul.”
one talk with his wife, Gretta, after coming home from his aunts’ annual dance
party made him drowned into the deep Epipheny. At that very moment, Gabriel
stop the time that is running around him and put himself outside the regular
basis world and see the brighter side he has never seen before. About how his
wife, that has been living together with him, is actually had someone in the
past that more valuable and precious than he is as her husband.
she had not told him all the story. His eyes moved to the chair over which she
had thrown some of her clothes. A petticoat string dangled to the floor. One
boot stood upright, its limp upper fallen down: the fellow of it lay upon its
side. He wondered at his riot of emotions of an hour before. From what had it
proceeded? From his aunt's supper, from his own foolish speech, from the wine
and dancing, the merry-making when saying good-night in the hall, the pleasure
of the walk along the river in the snow. Poor Aunt Julia! She, too, would soon
be a shade with the shade of Patrick Morkan and his horse. Soon, perhaps, he
would be sitting in that same drawing-room, dressed in black, his silk hat on
his knees. The blinds would be drawn down and Aunt Kate would be sitting beside
him, crying and blowing her nose and telling him how Julia had died. He would
cast about in his mind for some words that might console her, and would find
only lame and useless ones. Yes, yes: that would happen very soon.”
keep on elevate his imagination into the higher level which he is trying to
fill the position of her wife or her aunt that already lost their loved one
since long time ago. What would he feel about it when the time has come for his
turn to experience the real thing, what would have been happened to him later
when that tragic truth of death that ends someone’s life and any sort of
connection with any living human back when they were alive will actually
The death
“The air of the
room chilled his shoulders. He stretched himself cautiously along under the
sheets and lay down beside his wife. One by one, they were all becoming shades.
Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion,
than fade and wither dismally with age. He thought of how she who lay beside
him had locked in her heart for so many years that image of her lover's eyes
when he had told her that he did not wish to live.”
The death is the
major theme of this story but not the kind of death we used to see in our daily
common sense as someone who is no longer alive because their heart stops
beating or because their vital organs has no longer functioning as the way they
were usually working. The death we are talking in this story is completely different,
it is about the spiritually dead, which is experiencing by character Gabriel in
the end of the story.
tears filled Gabriel's eyes. He had never felt like that himself towards any
woman, but he knew that such a feeling must be love. The tears gathered more
thickly in his eyes and in the partial darkness he imagined he saw the form of
a young man standing under a dripping tree. Other forms were near. His soul had
approached that region where dwell the vast hosts of the dead. He was conscious
of, but could not apprehend, their wayward and flickering existence. His own
identity was fading out into a grey impalpable world: the solid world itself,
which these dead had one time reared and lived in, was dissolving and
said that the feeling of loving someone that does not loving you back is like
dying every day and this is what happens with Gabriel. And what more heart
breaking is that, the one who hurt him that much is her very own wife, who is
suddenly telling stories after listening to a song called The Lass of Aughrim, the
song her died young lover used to sing for her, the stories she has never been
shared before because the bitter and painful it is to be exposed, the stories
that placed Gabriel into position he never imagine, causing him experiencing
the worst feeling ever.
few light taps upon the pane made him turn to the window. It had begun to snow
again. He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely
against the lamplight. The time had come for him to set out on his journey
westward. Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. It
was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills,
falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into
the dark mutinous Shannon waves. It was falling, too, upon every part of the
lonely churchyard on the hill where Michael Furey lay buried. It lay thickly
drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little
gate, on the barren thorns. His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow
falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of
their last end, upon all the living and the dead.”
the very last paragraph of the story, Joyce describe how suffer Gabriel is with
naturalism approach as additional element to even more dramatizing the
situation. Symbolizing the white falling snow as something as pure as love and
life that so soft and fragile it would falling into nothing without even need
any extra effort to made it happen.
Dublin in 20th century
in 20th century is clearly represents in Joyce’s short stories
collection, Dubliners. The Dead as one of the short story in the book that also
the longest and most complex one. What happened in Dublin in 20th
century is that, the beginning of nationalism, in that century, Ireland finally
separated from great Britain and reclaim their freedom, almost all of Ireland,
because northern Ireland is remain in great Britain, somehow.
the early 20th century, Irish Nationalism was first introduced, new
classes and cultures came together as one, and the “Dublin Lockout” came about.
Ireland had been subject to British rule since the late 12th
century, but now the Irish citizens wanted a state to call their own. The city
of Dublin became the first city to truly experience Irish Nationalism, which
caused some people to move out of the city, because they did not want to be
affected by the nationalists group. Even though some people left Dublin, the
population did not suffer in the least. In 1900, the population of Dublin exceeded
400,000, but with so many living in Dublin, jobs became more and more valuable
and difficult to find. In 1913, the “Dublin Lockout” happened, which is known
today as the most severe industrial dispute in the history of Ireland. 25.000
workers and 300 employers protested their right to unionise. The protest, or
lockout, ended in 1914, when workers agreed to go back work, due to their
poverty. With all of this going on, many writers, including James Joyce, used
the outside world to influence and help writing. Dublin in the early 20th
century was a city full of new ideas and major changes. Irish Nationalism and
the Dublin Lockout helped transformed Dublin into the city it is today. (an
anonymous blogger fan of James Joyce
The indelicate clacking of the men's heels and the shuffling of their soles
reminded him that their grade of culture differed from his ”
quotation explain how different gabriel’s grade of culture with other guests in
the party. When Dublin became the capital city of new Irish free country there
were so many people that migrant to Dublin. In 1900, the population of Dublin
exceeded 400,000, the diversity level also would be instantly increasing so
that the people in it will be more diverse than ever.
conducting the analysis, the researchers have finally come to a conclusion that
answer the questions like what has been mention above. The researchers found
that the styles of the author in writing the short story of The Dead are using
the stream of consciousness (or better known as James Joyce unique narrative
perspective and then also Mimetic Style and Soliloquy and Joycean Naturalism.
These styles of writing are the characteristic of the author in his every work.
theme that are dominantly being exposed in this story are epiphany and the
death. About how one random situation may have responsibility for the
revelation the character might have. And the death theme in this story is not
literal meaning but spiritually death which means the character is not actually
dead but more like the feelings of already dead on the inside caused by the
shocking and terrible truth that might disturbing the character’s way of
interpretation of a piece of art is absolutely different between readers
consider the differences on experiences and perspective on looking at
something. The researchers are fully aware of the mistakes that might be found
in this analysis, hopefully the readers may find this analysis useful as
references for upcoming research with the same title or theme.
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