3rd of April 2019: Trying to Sell My First Anthology Book Project

I should have been uploaded the announcement a week ago but I do it one week after. And that is not even the worst part. When you already have a long way to figure out what caption should you write about to accompanying the picture that basically showing the book and the price but nobody even cares. I share the announcement on instagram which I only have like 40 followers and then on whatsapp story update that maximum number of people seeing my updates is around 30 and, and I uploaded on the facebook then getting 2 likes, then redeactivate the account hours after that.

Never a fan or dreaming to have a lot of followers on social media but at this very moment I feel like regretting the decision I made two or three years ago of deleting my almost 800 followers instagram account. For your information, I was uploading bunch of bunch of pictures back in the day, and taking not really consistent social media hiatus.

I do feel like maybe I should not promote the book. I can only just by one copy of mine so that I can read it and keep it in my room. But what about later when I finish writing my first novel and get it published? I should sell the book. And in order to do that I should make it to be considered by people before they want to buy the book. I can really use this as a practice perhaps. But that is still so far away and lets thinking about it later.

The anthology book is about motivational writing about the spirit of change that always come in mind once every beginning of the new year. So, it is about reflection and resolution and action, there are 44 writings from 44 writers with different title. So there are three chapter that consist of several sub chapter on each one. Mine is about resolution, of course I am not talking about what I want in new year in details, but more about telling the big picture of which resolution I am more trying to focusing on.

I should be excited. And I am super excited. This is my very first writing publication. This is my first anthology book together with a lot of people. And I hate the idea of bragging, humble bragging or whatever, but I cannot not to tell you people that I have two other book anthology coming soon. They are currently on process and hopefully I will hear the news very soon. They are a compilation of motivational stories and short stories.
