Animals and human language
One evening in the mid-1980s my
wife and I were returning from an evening cruise around Boston Harbor and
decided to take a warterfront stroll. We were passing in front of the Boston
Aquarium when a gravelly voice yelled out, “Hey! Hey! Get outa there!” Thinking we had
mistakenly wandered somewhere we were not allowed, we stopped nd looked around
for a boomed “Hey! Hey! You!” As we tracked the voice we found ourselves
approaching a large glass-fenced pool in front of the aquarium where four
harbor seals were lounging on display. Incredulous, I traced the source of the
commend to a large seal reclining vertically in the water with his head
extended back and up, his mouth slightly open, rotating slowly. A seal was talking,
not to me, but to the air, and incidentally to anyone within earshot who cared
to listen
Deacon (1997)
There are a lot of stories about
creatures that can talk. We usually assume that they are fantasy or fiction or
that they involve birds or animals simply imitating something they have heard
human say (as Terrence Deacon discovered was the case with the loud seal in
Boston Aquarium). Yet we think that creatures are capable of communicating,
certainly with other members of their own species. Is it possible that a
creature could learn to communicate with humans using language? communication
system and hence unlearnable by any other creature? To answer thee questions,
we first look at some special properties of human language, then review a
number of esperiment in communication involving humans and animals.
We should first distinguish
between specifically communicative signals and those which may be
unintentionally informative signals. Someone listening to you may become
informed about you through a number of signals that yoy have not intentionally
sent. She may note that yoy have a cold (you sneezed), that you aren’t ease
(you shifted around in your seat), that you are disorganized (non matching
socks) and that you are from somewhere else (you have a strange accent).
However, when you use language to tell this person. I’m one of the applicants
for the vacant position of senior brain surgeon at the hospital, you are
normally considered to be intentionally communicating something.
Similarly, the blackbird is not
normally taken to be communicating anything by having black feathers, sitting
on a branch and looking down at the ground. But is considered to be sending a
communicative signal with the loud squawking produced when a cat appears on the
scene. So, when we talk about distinction between human language and animal
communication, we are considering both in terms of their potential as a means
of intentional communication.
While we tend to think of
communications as the primary function of human language, it is not a distinguishing feature. All creatures
communicate in some way. However, we suspect that other creatures are not
reflecting on the way they create their communicative messages or reviewing how
they work (or not). That is, one barking dog is probably not offering advice to
another barking dog along lines of “Hey, you should lowe your bark to make it
sound more manacing.” They’re not barking about barking. Humans are clearly
able to reflect on language and its uses. (e.g. “I wish he wouldn’t use so many
technical terms”). This reflexivity. The property of reflexivity (or
“refelecsiveness”) accounts for the fact that we can use language to think and
talk about language itself, making it one of the distinguishing features of
human language. Indeed, without this general ability, we wouldn’t be able to
reflect on or identify any of the other distinct properties of human language.
We’ll look in detail at another five of them: displacement, arbitrariness,
productivity, cultural transmission, and duality.
When your pet cat comes home and
stands at your feet calling meow, you are likely to understand this message as
relating to that immediate time and place. If you ask your cat where it has
been and what it was up to, you’ll probably get the same meow response. Animal
communication seems to be designed exclusively for this moment, here and now.
It cannot effectively be used to relate events that are far removed in time and
place. When your dog says GRRR, it means GRRR, right now, because dogs don’t
seem to be capable of communicating GRRR, last night, over in the park. In
contrast, human language users are normally capable of producing messages
equivalent to GRRR, last night, over in the park, and then going to say In fact,
I’ll be going back tomorrow for some more. Humans can refer to past and future
time. This property of human language is called displacement. It allows
language users to talk about things and events not present in the immediate
environment. indeed, displacement allows us to talk about things and places
(e.g. angels, fairies, sana claus, superman, heaven, hell) whose existence we
cannot even be sure of. Animal communication is generally considered to lack
this property.
We could look at bee communication
as a small exception because it seems to have some version of displacement. For
example, when a honeybee finds a source of nectar and returns to the beehive,
it can perform a complex dance routine to communicate to the other bees the
location of this nectar. Depending on the type of dance (round dance for nearby
and tail-wagging dance, with variable tempo, for further away and how far), the
other bees can work out where this newly discovered feast can be found. Doesn’t
this ability of the bee to indicate a location some distance away mean that bee
communication has at least some degree of displacement as a feature? Yes, but
it is displacement of a very limited type. It just doesn’t have the range of
possibilities found in human language. Certainly, the bee can direct other bees
to a food source. However, it must be the most recent food source. It cannot be
that delicious rose bush on the other side of town that we recent last
weekened, nor can it be, as far as we know, possible future nectar in bee
It is generally the case that
there is no “natural” connection between a linguistic form an its meaning. The
connection is quiet arbitrary. We can’t just look at the Arabic word (yalaba)
and, from its shape, for example, determine that it has a natural and obvious
meaning any more than we can with its English translation form dog. The
linguistic form has no natural or “iconic” relationship with that hairy
four-legged baring object out in the world. This aspect of the relationship between
linguistic signs and objects in the world is described as arbitrariness. Of
course, you can play a game with words to make them appear to “fit” the idea or
activity they indicate, as shown in these words from a child’s game. However,
this type of game only emphasizes the arbitrariness of the connection that
normally exists between a word and its meaning.
There are some words in language
with sounds that seem to “echo” the sounds of objects or activities and hence
seem to have a less arbitrary connection. English examples are cuckoo, crash,
slurp or whirr. However, these onomatopoeic words are relatively rare in human
For the majority of animal
signals, there does appear to be a clear connection between the conveyed
message and the signal used to convey it. This impression we have of the
non-arbitrariness of animal signaling may be closely connected to be the fact
that, for any animal, the set of signals used in communication is finite. That
is, each variety of animal communication consists of a fixed and limited set of
vocal or gestural forms. Many of these forms are only used in specific situations
(e.g. establishing territory) and at particular times (e.g. during the mating
Humans are continually creating
new expressions and novel and utterances by manipulating their linguistic
resources to describe new objects and situations. This property is described as
productivity (or “creativity” or “open-endedness”) and essentially means that
the potential number of utterances in any human language is infinite.
The communication system of other
creatures are not like that. Cicadas have four signals to choose from and
vervet monkeys have thirty-six vocal calls. Nor does it seem possible for
creatures to produce new signals to communicate novel experiences or events.
The honeybee, normally able to communicate the location of a nectar source to
other bees, will fail to do so if the location is really “new”. In one
experiment, a hive of bees was placed at the foot of radio tower and a food
source placed at the top. Ten bees were taken to the top, given a taste of the
delicious food, and sent off to tell the rest
of the hive about their find. The message was conveyed via a bee dance
and the whole gang buzzed off to get the free food. They flew around in all
directions, but couldn’t locate the food. (It’s probably one way to make bees
really mad.) The problem seems to be that bee communication has a fixed set of
signals for communicating location and they all relate to horizontal distance.
The bee cannot manipulate its communication system to create a “new” message
indicating vertical distance. According to Karl von Frisch, who conducted the
experiment, “the bees have no word for up in their language” and they can’t
invent one.
This limiting feature of animal
communication is described in terms of fixed reference. Each signal in the
system is fixed as relating to a particular object or occasion. Among the
vervet monkey’s repertoire, there is one danger signal CHUTTER, which is used
when a snake is around, and another RRAUP, uses when an eagle is spotted
nearby. These signals are fixed in terms of their reference and cannot be
manipulated. What might count as evidence of productivity in the monkey’s
communication system would be an utterance of something CHUTT-RRAUP when a flying creature that looked like a snake
came by. Despite a lot of research involving snakes suddenly appearing in the
air above them (among other unusual and terrifying experiences), the vervet
monkeys didn’t produce a new danger signal. The human, given similar
circumstances, is quiet capable or creating a “new” sgnal, after initial
surprise perhaps, by saying something never said before, as in Hey! Wath out
for that flying snake!
Cultural transmission
While we may inherit physical
features such as brown eyes and dark hair from our parents, we do not inherit
their language. We acquire a language in a cultural with other speakers and not
from parental genes. An infant born to Korean parents in korea, but adopted and
brought up from birth by English speakers in the united states. will have
physical characteristics inherited from his or her natural parents, but will
inevitably speak English. A kitten, given comparable early experiences, will
produce meow regardless.
This process whereby a language
is passed on from one generation on the next is described as cultural
transmission. It is clear that humans are born with some kind of predisposition
to acquire language in a general sense. However, we are not born with the ability
to produce utterances n a specific language such as English. We acquire our
first language as children in culture.
The general pattern in animal
communications is that creatures are born with a set of specific signals that
are produced instinctively. There is some evidence from studies of birds as
they develop their songs that instinct has to combine with learning (or
exposure) in order for the right song to be produced. If those birds spend
their first seven weeks without hearing other birds, they will instinctively
produce songs or calls, but those songs will be abnormal in some way. Human
infants, growing up in isolation, produce no “instinctive” language. Cultural
transmission of a specific of a specific language is crucial in the human
acquisition process.
Human language is organized at
two levels or layers simultaneously. This property is called duality (or
“double articulation”). In speech production, we have a physical level at which
we can produce individual sounds, like n,b and i. As individual sounds, none of
these discrete forms has any intrinsic meaning. that is different from the
meaning of the combination in nib. So, at one level, we have distinct meaning.
This duality of level is, in fact, one of the most economical features of human
language because, with a limited set of discrete sounds, we are capable of
producing a very large number of sound combinations (e.g. words) which are
distinct in meaning.
Among other creatures, each
communicative signal appears to be a single fixed form that cannot be broken
down into separate parts. Although your dog may be able to produce woof (“I’m
happy to see you”), it does not seem to do so on the basis of a distinct level
of production combining the separate elements of w + oo + f. If the dog was
operating with the double level (i.e. duality), then we might expect to hear
different combinations with different meanings, such as oowf (“I’m hungry”) and
foow (“I’m really bored”).
Talking to animals
If these properties of human
language make it such a unique communication system, quiet different from the
communication system of other creatures, then it would seem extremely unlikely
that other creatures would be able to understand it. Some humans, however, do
not behave as if this is the case. There is, after all, a lot of spoken
language directed by humans too animal, apparently under the impression that
the animal follows what is being said. Riders can say whoa a horses and they
stop (or so it seems), we can say Heei to dogs and they will follow at heel
(well, sometimes), and a variety of circus go up, Down and Roll over in
response to spoken commands. Should we treat these examples as evidence that
non-humans can understand human language? Probably not. The standard
explanation is that the animal produces a particular behavior in response to a
particular sound-stimulus or noise, but does not actually “understand” what the
words in the noise mean.
If it seems difficult to conceive
of animals understanding human language, then it appears to be even less less
likely that an animal would be capable of producing human language. After all,
we do not generally observe animals of one species learning to produce the
signals f another species. You could keep your horse in a field of cows for
years. but it still won’t moo. And, in some homes, a new baby and a puppy may
arrive at the same time. Baby and puppy grow up in the same environment,
hearing mostly the same things, but about two years later, the baby is making
lots of human speech sounds and the puppy is not. But perhaps a puppy is a poor
example. Wouldn’t it be better to work with a closer relative such as
Chimpanzees and language
The idea of raising a chimp and a
child together may seem like a nightmare, but this is basically what was done
in early attempt to teach a chimpanzee to use human language. In the 1930s, two
scientist (Luella and Winthrop Kellogg) reported on their experience of raising
and infant chimpanzee together with their baby son. The chimpanzee, called Gua,
was reported to be able to understand about a hundred words, but did not “say”
any of them. In the 1940s, a chimpanzee named Viki was reared by another
scientist couple (Catherin and Keith Hayes) in their own home, exactly as if
she was a human child. These foster parents spent five years attempting to get
Viki to “say” English words by trying to shape her mouth as she produced
sounds. Viki eventually managed to produce some words, rather poorly
articulated versions of mama, papa and cup. In retrospect, this was a
remarkable achievement since it has become clear that non-human primates do not
actually have a physically structured vocal tract which is suitable for
articulating the sounds used in speech. Apes and gorillas can, like
chimpanzees, communicate with a wide range of vocal calls, but they just can’t
make human speech sounds.
Recognizing that a chimpanzee was
a poor candidate for spoken language learning another scientific couple
(Beatrix and Allen Gardner) set out to teach a female chimpanzee called Washoe
to use a version of American sign language. As described later in chapter 15,
this sign language has all the essential properties of human language and is
learned by many congenitally deaf children at their natural first language.
From the beginning, the Gardners
and their research assistants raised washoe like a human child in comfortable
domestic environment. Sign language was always used when washoe was around and
she was encouraged to use signs, even her own incomplete “baby-versions” of the
sign used by adults. In a period of three and a half years, Washoe came to use
signs for more than a hundred words, ranging from airplane, baby and banana
through to window, woman and you. Even more impressive was washoe’s ability to
take these forms and combine them to produce “sentences” of type gimme tickle,
more fruit and open food drink (to get someone to open the refrigerator). Some
of the forms appear to have been inventions by washoe, as in her novel sign for
bib and in the combination water bird (referring to a swan), which would seem
to indicate that her communication system had the potential for productivity,
washoe also demonstrated understanding of a much larger number of signs than
she produced and was capable to holding rudimentary conversations, mainly in
the form of question-answer sequences. A similar ability with sign language was
reported by Francine Patterson working with a gorilla named Koko not long
Sarah and Lana
At the same time as Washoe was
learning sign language, another chimpanzee was being taught (by Ann and David
Premack) to use a set of plastic shapes for the purpose of communicating with
humans. These plastic shapes represented “words” that could be arranged in
sequence to build “sentences” (Sarah preferred a vertical order). The basic approach
was quiet different from that of the Gardners. Sarah was systematically trained
to associate these shapes with objects or actions. She remained an animal in a
cage, being trained with food rewards to manipulate a set of symbols. Once she
has learned to use a large number of these plastic shapes, Sarah was capable of
getting an apple by selecting the correct plastic shape ( a blue triangle)from
a large array. Notice that this symbol is arbitrary since it would be hard to
argue for any natural connection between an apple and a blue pastic triangle.
Sarah was also capable of producing “sentences” such as Mary give chocolate
sarah, and had the impressive capacity to understand complex structures such as
if sarah put red on green, Mary give sarah chocolate. Sarah got the chocolate.
A similar training technique with
another artricial language was used (by Duane Rumbaugh) to train a chimpanzee
called Lana. The language she learned was called Yerkish and consisted of a set
of symbols on a large keyboard linked to a computer. When Lana wanted some
water, she had to press four symbols, in the correct sequene, to produce to
message please machine give water.
both Sarah and Lana demonstrated
an ability to use what look like word symbols and basic structures in ways that
superficially resemble the use of language. There is, however, a lot of
skepticism regarding these apparent linguistic skills. It has been pointed out
that when Lana used the symbol “please” she did not have to understand the
meaning of the English word please. The symbol for “please” on the computer
keyboard might simply be the equivalent of a button on a vending machine and,
so the argument goes, we could learn to operate vending machines without
necessarily knowing language. This is only one of the many arguments that have
been presented against the idea that the use of signs and symbols by these
chimpanzees is similar to the use of language.
The controversy
On the basis of his work with
another chimpanzee called Nim, the psychologist Herbert Terrace argued that
chimpanzees simply produce signs in response to the demands of people and tend
to repeat signs those people use, yet they are treated (by naïve researchers)as
if they are talking part in a “conversation.” As in many critical studies of
animal learning, the chimpanzees’ behavior is viewed as a type of conditioned
response to cues provided (often unwittingly) by human trainers. Herbert’s
conclusion was that chimpanzees are clever creatures who learn to produce a
certain type of behavior (signing or symbol selection) in order to get rewards
and are essentially performing sophisticated “tricks”.
In response, the gardners argued
that they were not animal trainers, nor were they inculcating and then
eliciting conditioned responses from washoe. In complex experiments, designed
to eliminated any possible provision of cues by humans, they showed that in the
absence of any human, washoe could produce correct signs to identify objects in
pictures. They also emphasize a major difference between the experiences of
washoe and nim. While nim was kept in a
windowless cell as a research animal and had to deal with a lot of different
research assistants who were often not fluent in American sign language, washoe
lived in a domestic environment with a lot of opportunity for imaginative play
and interaction with fluent signers who were also using sign language with each
other. they also report that another group of younger chimpanzees not only
learned sign languge, but also occasionally used signs with each other and with
washoe, even when there were no humans present.
In a more recent set of studies,
an interesting development relevant to this controversy came about about almost
by accident. While Sue Savage-Rumbaugh was attempting to train a bonobo (a
pygmy chimpanzee) called matata how to use the symbols of yerkish, matata’s
adopted baby, kanzi, was always with her. Although mata did not do very well,
her son kanzi spontaneously started using the symbol sysem with great ease. He
had learned not by being taught, but by being exposed to, and observing, a kind
of language in use at a very early age. Kanzi eventually developed developed a
large symbol vocabulary (over 250 forms). By the age of eight, he was reporte
to be able, through the association of symbols with spoken words, to
demonstrate understanding of spoken English at a level comparable to a two-and-a-half-year-old
child. There was also evidence that he was using a consistenty distinct set of
“gentle noises” as words to refer to things such as bananas, grapes and juice.
He had also become capable of using his symbol system to ask to watch his
favorite movies, Quest for fire (about primitive humans) and greystoke (about
the tarzan legend).
Using language
Important lessons have been
learned from attempts to teach chimpanzees how to use forms of language. We
have answered some questions. Were washoe and kanzi capable of taking part in
interaction with human by using a symbol system chosen by humans and not
chimpanzees? The answer is clearly “yes.” Did washoe and kanzi go on to perform
linguictically on a level comparable to a human child about to begin pre-school/
The answer is just as clearly “No”. In arriving at these answers, we have also
had to face the fact that, even with our list of key properties, we still don’t
seem to have a non-controversial definition of what counts as “using language”.
One solution might be stop
thinking of language, at least in the phrase “using language”, as a single
thing that one can either have or not have. We could then say that there are
(at least) two ways of thinking about what “using language” means. In a very
broad sense, language does serve as a type of communication system that can be
observed in a variety of different situations. In one situation, we look at the
behavior of a two-year-old human child interacting with a caregiver as an
example of “using language” in the broad sense. In another situation, we
observe very similar behavior from chimpanzees and bonobos when they are
interacting with humans they know. It has to be fair to say that, in both
cases, we observe the participants “using language”.
However, there is a difference.
Underlying the to-year-old’s communicative activity is the capacity to develop
a highly complex system of sounds and structures, plus a set of computational
procedures, that will allow the child to produce extended discourse containing
a potentially infinite number of novel utterances. No other creature has been
observed “using language” in this sense. It is in this more fundamental or
abstract sense that we say that language is uniquely human. In the following
chapters, we will begin to look in detail at the many elements that make up
this uniquely human phenomenon.
source: lesson material photocopy
source: lesson material photocopy
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