introver - extrover - whatever

In this human world, the personality that each of the humans are possessed, can be categorized into two major difference, the introvert and the extrovert. As you all might have heard before from somewhere, to make it simpler, the extro are those who loves to talk while the intro is the complete opposite, tend to be a good listener. I myself am and always will be an intro and I am fully aware and proud of who I really am for whatever reasons.

But, things get a little bit more complicated when the rest of the human species on the surface of planet earth are covered with so many, even almost everyone, but not all of them, are extro with the misconception of the true definition of what is introvert and being an introvert actually meant.

Okay, first thing first, introverts are not weirdos, not at all, not for now, not in a million years later. Just because we don’t talk very often, it doesn’t mean we never talk. We just being real, we don’t talk to strangers easily, and we don’t talk just because the world told us to, we talk when we want. Basically about things that really matter, or excites our thoughts and souls too much, so that we cannot not to talk about it, in that case, we can start to talk for hours and hours long with unimportant details explained thoroughly.

But, you know what? There are times when an intro can turn into an extro and you will have no idea that they can become such a talkative. That magically rare phenomenon can be found when an intro is surrounded by the people that make them feel at ease so that they don’t need to have thought before talk.

So, keep in mind, that being silent is not wrong. Prefer to be the reader of the situation instead of becoming the center of the attention is okay. At least you’re being honest. Sending lots of love for all the fellow intro out there. 

5 September 2018
Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
5 September 2018


  1. If an intovert turned into extro, isn't it she/he an ambivert? aren't you one of them? The one who has that magically rare phenomenon? 🤔

    1. no, thats not what I mean. I mean, an intro act like an extro around people they're comfortable with. but they will always be an intro anyway.


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