random ghost dream woke me up

I literally just woke up from a dream, a very scary dream. It was not about monsters or aliens, but ghosts. In that dream, I tried so hard to wake up while in the sleeping position and attacked by the unseen ghost. And I did try to pray and got away from it but it was so hard. I screamed in the dream into reality, I do not know whether I was actually screaming or it was only in the dream state. I switch the light on and reaching my fully charged phone, I do not want to go back to sleep, at least for now.

The coincidental happened, it was midnight. Only one or two minutes past midnight when I turned my phone on and checking everything I can check just to clear my head from that random dream earlier. Now I am chatting with someone. This is the one I am trying to open my heart to. Also, someone, I try to open her heart for me too. it has been a while but we don’t show any progress. We’re living in different places and never met. I tried to come to her place but things happened, the schedule was canceled due to some unplanned situation that I don’t think I need to explain more here anyway. Not so many details needed.

Well, actually, I am quite thankful it was only a random ghost dream that made me stay awake this midnight, unlike the other night, yesterday, I got an asthma attack. It was not only the first time. It has been several times but I have never said anything about it to Mom whenever we do the video call. Luckily I got my medicines prepared and thank god they work, what would happen if they don’t?

I would say that it brought worries that I’m having lungs problem in this time of pandemic that famously known for attacking the respiratory organs but I found out one of the influencers I’m following having the same symptoms with me, like literally waking up the middle of the night and got breathing problem. So, basically, I would argue that this is not so the normal experience is at least quite normal for all the asthma survivor like us, LOL. My one point five liters mineral water bottle is almost empty. I tried cooking fried rice using the rice cooker today but it tasted horrible, I ate some and throw the majority of them, sorry. It has been one hour since that scary dream woke me up. I don’t know what I’m going to do now.
