Stay sane in the middle of apocalypse

What did I do yesterday? Hhmm. Starting the first day of online based, learning from home, training. Yeah, for those who are following me, here is a little bit of update. I left my tiny little island home since 22nd of February, it was Saturday, took a flight to Jakarta for my 5 days of pre-departure training (even though I am not leaving yet, I am still here, but that is just how things work, all of us should be part of this whether you’re about to leave or got no clue about that at all yet) with a lot of activities, good food and my favorite whenever spend some night in a hotel room, the hot shower.

Long story short, I was heading directly to the other city, which is where I am currently located, renting a room for the next four months, living in so called the students city of Indonesia. It is now day 23 of our language training, though we only spend 2 weeks in the classroom then followed by 1 week off caused by the you know what virus going on with the world right now. So, that is basically everything, okay. Now I wanted to tell you guys how life has changed for me because of this pandemic attack. I used to eat three times a day, yes they are breakfast and lunch and dinner. But, things get a little bit of adjustment now for the sake of #satyinhome or for me its #stayinrentroom for as much as we can and try to minimize the outdoor activity. I have decided to go out once a day to grab some food to eat. So, last week, I applied brunch + dinner (indomaret bread), but I don’t really know what I’m going to do for this second week of social distancing. I will tell you guys more in the third week, probably. I don’t know.

I want to share about the progress of my training so far, but I think it is just too early for that. Besides, I don’t want to go more into details. I forgot to mention, I am leaving social media for a while, facebook and instagram, I used to leave facebook so it is not really a big deal, but it is for instagram, even though I do not have such big amount of followers following my life there, but still it is sort of hard to leave IG. And then, I also decided to stop uploading any videos on my youtube channel, some people consider youtue as social media, yes I know for others it is just something different, try to google it to find out.

I still feel bad for what happened on social media the day I left my home, it was my friends’ insta story status updates, not mine, but it still pretty much, hhmm, I don’t know what words should I pick to picture it. Somehow, it feels quite bad to let the world know your goals and plans and everything. Yes, they did it for good purpose, to encourage me, sending the positive energy support that I need to face everything. But, you know. It got me thinking a lot. But now, that the world is surrounded by the Coronavirus Covid19 so my head got extra things to be taken care of. Hopefully, the world gets better soon and we can live our life like usual. Even if I am an introvert, social distancing bothers me a lot.
