thank you google

I love walking around on goggle. Searching things. I almost brows up everthing that cross my mind. Google for me is like a second father.

Well I know there’s nothing such a second father. But I mean as a place to be asked for. I used to ask everything to my father before. I cant do it any of that now. Cause he’s no longer here. I mean he’s passed away.

Back when I was a little boy, I love to put out lots questions. And then I got annoyed when my little sisters do that. Yes I cant blame them for that. Cause I am too just like them. What amazing is. Every of my questions have their answers.

My father is a great. And now I cant did that again. And got full of words in my mind. Like a full classroom. And thank god I met google.

I was actually knew google since in middle school in information and technology subject. I coud even still remember the very first time I went to the place we could rent computer to use internet. But I start having an active internet browing things is in high school. 

With google I could ask everthing I wanted to know about. Like everything. Limitless. Ruleless. And that’s the strory about me and google.

I know goggle is not the only one serch angine ever exist. But google is the greatest. And the best as I know. Google is the one who will answers me. Whenever I got something I don’t undersatand. Something I want to know more.

Gogsle is always there accept me. With an open hand. Welcomes me. I was like fly away around the world with the amazing power of google.

I cant say how much you have made me happy. How much time I should say thank you. I just cant imagine how this life would be without you. These words might be just over but this is the truth.
