not only recharging but also replacing

These past few days, Whitney, the name of my around 10 years old motorbike, not feeling so well. The hand starter wasn’t functioning, so I got it to the small service center, and the people there help to fix the problem. Whitney can work normally again, for one day or two, then I need to get back to looking for help. The other day before, they tell me that the battery need to be recharged but then the second time I ask them by bringing the same problem, they said that it needs to be replaced.

The place I’m living, the small island I call home, has been showered by rain drops for days more often than last month I guess. That got me an idea that probably the battery problem might has something to do with the extreme weather. But I think I was wrong, maybe it’s just about the time to replace the battery, liquid battery.

Before I went to asking for help for the second time, I was in a hurry to go to the class, well it was supposed to be in Thursday but we change it to Tuesday, making it two days earlier than the regular schedule. Because we have something else to do which is the visit from the program headquarter to officially open the program that already running for two months long on the way, so that is pretty much why. But that is not what I was about to telling you, the thing is, because I was about to go then the hand starter didn’t work as well as the feet starter, after several sort of optimistic trials and errors, I lost my temper and let it fell down.

I felt so sorry but I already did what I did. Then I change the vehicle to the motorbike that my little sister used to ride to got myself going. I know, it was not something to be proud of at all, it was such childish act and shameful and not cool. I went to repair it the next day and contemplate over the fact that maybe our soul is similar to the motorbike, the battery cannot only be recharged but also replaced. To be honest with you guys, I don’t think my soul is okay and I know I need to do something about it. But I just don’t know how to start over the fresh beginning.

#30DWC #30DWCJilid16 #Day9
30 Days Writing Challenge
