the internet went down

Its day 3 since the internet was down and based on the local newspaper exclusive coverage two days in a row seem like there is no clear explanation towards whatsoever the cause yet. The internet provider said the other day that there is something wrong with the underwater cable from or to North Maluku and Sulawesi. But concerning the current wheather, it is expected to be challenging in order to get to know what is really going on then taking any necessary actions.

Half of me wanted the no internet situation to remain continue for quite some times while the other half of me desperately wishing the internet to come back as soon as possible. At least the text and calls services are already functioning on the second day. The television has once again become the one and only sourse of the entertainment. The atm machines also can finally operate normally again on the second day, thanks to the private internet owned by each of banks.

The percentage of Telkomsel users in this province is around 98% which is why the internet shut down affected almost everybody. The other 2% are indosat users and recently just getting sudden increase number of users, the massive transaction of indosat numbers from the majority of the telkomsel users who seek for the internet access provided by indosat  have been reportedly found in some places.

Apparently, it is still okay for me to keep offline for three days. Will the internet shut down continue for like one month or one year? Everything is uncertain. Depending on how much our life supported by the internet, the more work you do using the internet the more suffer you probably will be eventually. Well, I use the internet most of the time for the entertainment purposesso its not really a big deal I guess.

Update : The internet came back in the evening and everybody is happy.

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