where are you from questions

What is the most boring as well as annoying questions that you have ever asked by other people? For those who just graduate, you will likely to be questioned of what do you do, like, you know, it means they’re asking what is your job. And it is not just end there, well if you have simple job it’s lucky for you, but if you don’t, then you need to explain what is it really about and what you really do. Seriously, trust me that it was one of the most annoying moment ever, like you need to choose whether to giving a full explanation but also considering do they really asking out of wanting to know the answers or just curious for a matter of chit chat. Sometimes you make short answer, simplified the terms or anything related to the job you currently have.

Recently, well not really, I guess it’s already happening like since so many times ago in so many occasions that when two people who just met started talking one another, then the number one question would be “where are you from?” like is that even really matter? I know that Identity is important but also depressing. For those with the blood and the living location matching completely then you don’t have to feel bothered or anything. But for those that the blood is different than the place they were born and growing up and do everything in life, it can be problematic.

Yes, I am talking about the ethnicity. My parents came from other place, they met here on the island, well technically according to my mom, she said that she first met dad on the ship, but let just make it simpler, that they met here and got married here and living here for good ever since my big brother was born and then me and then my other two little sisters and we’re still here since the day one till forever. My face reveals my ethnicity but I have no idea about my ethnicity, the language or the culture or anything, I feel more comfortable to be treated as the locals. Though I am not but I also am because I have always been here since forever.

There are so many other people who probably just suffering from the same identity crisis, just like me, I believe, well, I guess. So I don’t really need to stress over it. But still, the fact that I cannot responsible for my own ethnicity by whatever means is somewhat opening the paradox questions that never really going to ends.

Where are you from questions define people, generalized everybody to be exactly what the stereotypical well known facts associated with the particular people. My blood is pure something, but my heart and brain and soul is another something. We know we never really can ignoring nor deleting the fact where we are from but we can always show what we are made of or what we do prefer to be part from.

#30DWC #30DWCJilid16 #Day11
30 Days Writing Challenge
