#DearTomorrow by Maudy Ayunda

One of my most number one to-read-list book since so many many times ago has finally been fulfilled. I did try couple of times to order the books online but it was always out of stocks. This time, I finally got the chance to read it, special thanks goes to one of my friend who landed me the book. Finally, no more wait and imagine to touch and open the every page and absorbing everything written in the book. I finished reading the book just in one sit.

I will not give it back just yet, I still wanted to read it all through once more, or two or three, to properly grasp the ideas explained by the one and only Maudy Ayunda. As you guys probably can tell by the post feed on the book’s official instagram account, the books is not full of words, but images. It is beautifully arranged that it will put away such potential of making the readers bored with long sentence or paragraph. Though, I’m okay with full words, but this half book filled with illustration is kind of helping the readers to enjoy the book. Maudy is talking about several issues here in the book, categorized into four beautiful chapters.

The first chapter is about how to not being yourself nor finding yourself but more like get to know yourself. Maudy proposed her redefinition of self that seems to be one particular very important topic. We are the experiences we have been going through, we are all the things we have learned, we are so many things at once. That is why, before chapter one, she reintroduced herself, not as what we know her as what she had been famous for, but for what she wanted to be known for, she calls herself as a story teller.

In the next chapter, she talks about the dream, how to be a dreamer 101 sort of discussion. She provided the tips and the music playlist and the concept of success and accepting failures and forgiving ourselves in the lowest part of our life. I personally was a dreamer back in the day in my high school years, but not anymore, I call them plans now. My plans are not only one and keep changing every now and then, you know, the reality hurts sometimes, so we need a lot of adjustment. But, hey, I am okay now. Fight for your dream if you have one, okay? promise me!

After that, she will bring us to her perspectives about l-o-v-e. In the previous chapter, we were given the music playlist for dreamers, now we were awarded long list of brokenhearted songs to listen to, yeah I will definitely check them out later. What if felt like to love or something like that, my one simple line was when she said that do not forget to love yourselves first. Yes, I still try my best to love myself, I am trying really hard. Because how can I love other human while I'm still very much hate myself, right?

The last one is about the mindset. There are big amount of quotes I found so fascinating in this part. How do we know which are right or wrong and good or bad. They are all simple words yet resonate and relate to me in so many level possible. How we see others, how we think others might see us. Then, in the very few of the last pages she talked about herself being a feminist, that I know, here in Indonesia, a woman declaring she believed in such concept will be likely labeled as against the system or whatever. One thing for sure, being equal does not mean being the same at all. And, no, women do not want to rule the world or something like that, nothing wrong about it.

In conclusion, the book is beautiful. Other than because we got special photo shoots of Maudy Ayunda in it, the messages she tries to deliver is powerful but at the same time feels very soft and comfortable. Now, let’s talk a little bit of how I met Maudy ayunda, not like in real person, but when I got to know there is somebody that as beautiful not only the looks but also the brain. I saw her first on Perahu Kertas movie I guess, and I start falling in love with this soul ever since that moment.

I listen to her music and then following her latest activities and the amazing story how she is not only an actress or singer but also taking a bachelor degree in Oxford and recently got accepted in Harvard and Stanford but she prefers Stanford. Yes, she might not the only celebrity went school abroad, but for me personally, she is the most authentic and original. I and so many other of her fans will always continue looking up to her as an inspiration, simply because she is that awesome. Hopefully, some of you who read this can read the book sometimes, the last time I checked, some of its first pages are free to read as sample before buy the ebook.


  1. I want a read this but I not understand 😭

    Tp yuli salut sama kakak ini, berarti beliau bhs inggris nya tidak perlu di ragukan😊

  2. Jadi pengen ikutan baca. Boleh lah masuk wishlist berikutnya.

  3. kaka native bukan? bagus bisa lancar tandas gitu bhsanya

  4. I am interesting to read this book. Maudy Ayuda as a story teller?? Woow. Anxiously. Then i want to learn about her concept of success and how to accepting failures. Or may be Kak Budi can share about it next time. I will wait and try to find this book. Thank you

    1. well, firstly, call me Dwi. and secondly, no spoilers please ehe. we love Maudy 3000 so trying not to putting any spoilers out of the book. one thing I will say, you'll never regret to grab this book to read.

  5. Talking about Maudy and her masterpieces like there is never run out to discus..she is so amazing..bukunya harus masuk daftar perburuan nih

    1. super true. have you ever heard about her children story book called Kina, kak? katanya mau bikin tetralogi cerita anak yang kina itu tapi belum pernah baca duh penasaran banget.

  6. Keren kaak dengan bahasa inggrisnya, jadi bisa di baca sama orang asing

    1. masih belajar kok. aamiin kalo ada yang nyasar sini.

  7. Isi bukunya sepertinya menarik, bahasa Inggris kah bukunya, Kak?

  8. Keren, Kak. Suka ceritanya, meski ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Menginspirasi.

    1. terima kasih. ada banyak tulisan lain saya yang bahasa indonesia kok.

  9. Thanks, you give us review Maudy Ayunda book's. I agree, how I love other human while I hate myself?. cause before we can change or love someone, start from ourselves.

  10. What a good writing. I even can't write in English well. :(

    1. you can too. your comment shows you can write well.

  11. Wow, very nice book review in english. Would you mind to share how to write in english so great like this? Is there any tips that I can follow? I bet you have a very high writing score in TOEFL/IELTS, is it?

    1. thank you, you're doing great too. honestly, I have no special tips in particular, I just love writing and keep writing a lot even without readers. for your information, I have not taken IELTS test yet


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