may 7th 2017

What happened in Sunday is I was reading The Notebook and I finished it. Hooray. My very first #OneWeekOneBook challenge that I thought this ridiculous idea will never actually work but it does and I was so happy. It took me three times a.k.a three days to finish it. So, yeah, I don’t read every day because sometimes I don’t have time to read or I just don’t feel like wanted to read.
But look at me now, a proud little boy that had just finished reading a book in a week. Okay so the story of this novel is like…okay I won’t type anything because I’ll do it in another posting. Hopefully. And I should. Okay so actually I did not really remember what I was doing on Sunday morning so I sort of facing a dead end now of don’t know what to type…I went teaching in one of the elementary school (an English course) yeah I used to teach two schools but now it was just one because one of the school already finish the level one and they don’t have intention continue to the level two so yeah that’s what happened. Now I remember what I did in Sunday morning, I was telling my friends on whatsapp group about my dream which was about I was getting the death penalty in that dream because of I did something bad on campus which is really doesn’t make sense but I was really frightened in that dream I thought that I was just gonna shot to death just because not being the obedient college student like yelling or arguing with the lecturer and that dream was just so funny and scary at the same time. I still even remember how I waking up in fear of I was gonna die by death penalty in the dream. And now I don’t know what to type because I don’t temember anything anymore again. This is why I hate writing the diary not on the day because this is Sunday diary and I’m writing it on Tuesday and thank you very much for my short memory term memory thing I need to type the full stop now.
