
Showing posts from January, 2019

Sex Education ( A Netflix Series)

spending the whole day translating

adventerous sunday

still too scare to do anything

friends getting married vibes

How to train your dragon 3

beautiful custumer service

and yeah I said no to it

looking for wedding gift

night dream diaries

thank you, next

staring at the sun rise

eksekusi hidup dan mati

when someone's problem is everybody's problem

pembahasan resolusi tahunan

no plans no shower

refleksi: mundur untuk maju

another meatballs team dinner

beda ujian beda jawaban

the old you and the new you

mendung belum tentu hujan

where the magic comes from?

semuanya terkejut

asking too much (how to)s

penuh tanda tanya

the last day of old year